You can order local produce through our online store (below) so you get the freshest food available at a location convenient to you.

If you’re new, here’s the best way to make the process run smoothly:

  1. Create or Log In to your Local Line account FIRST.
    Note: If you skip this step and add a bunch of fresh produce to your cart, the system will make you start all over when you create your secure account. We’re working with our shopping cart team to make this process easier.
  2. If the store shows “Out of Stock”, try selecting a specific category or refreshing the page.
    We’ve been experiencing a glitch that shows everything is out of stock, even if we still have plenty of produce available.
  3. Once you are logged in and see our catalog, simply add as many units to the cart as you wish and carry on ordering your local produce just like any other secure online store! Just be sure to select the closest Farmer’s Market in Ohio or pick up directly at our farm in Ashland, Ohio.
  4. Countryside Farmer’s Market customers – please order directly from Countryside’s online store:

Order Your Produce Here: